What's Included

    1. Interview with Kirby Johnson, TAC Engagement Coordinator

    2. Fishers Farm - Interview with Jeff Hand, Executive Director

    3. Interview with Crystal Burt while at The Summit in Ft. Payne

    4. Interview with Ryan Arrington (Damascus House) & CJ McMurry (The Refuge) and their unique connection!

    5. Damascus House - Interview with Oliver Underwood

    6. The Refuge - Interview with CJ McMurry, Founder & Program Director

    7. The Refuge - Interview with Ben Funkhouser

    8. Salem4Youth - Gospel-Centered Program for Teen Boys

    9. The Lighthouse - Interview with Brandon Bower

    10. Redemption House - Interview with Justin Lakemacher

    11. United Gospel Rescue Mission - Interview with Greg Kirk

    12. Through the Gate - Interview with Steve Covington


  • 12 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content
  • Included with COUNSEL subscription